28 Oct 2016

School Exchanges and Studying abroad

In classes we have studied the topics "School exchanges" and "Studying abroad". We have talked about the Programme Erasmus + and have read about an exchange student's unforgettable experience in Bath and Oxford. 

Watch the video about Erasmus + again and write a comment on the following: Would you like to go on a Students' Exchange Programme? Give your reasons. 


  1. Yes, I would like to go on a Students' Exchange Programme because I like to discover new cultures from other countries and to visit big cities, especially with friends.


  2. I like the idea of atending erasmus+ programe because i have nerver travelled

    Luis B.

  3. I would love to go on a Students' Exchange Programme as a student but also as a football player, because I like to have new experiences, meet other countries and make new friends.
    This experience would help me getting a better career in the future.


  4. Yes, I would like to go on a students' exchange programme, because I would like to meet people from other countries, make new friends, experience new cultures and gastronomy.
    I would also like to visit different cities and improve my language skills.

